Health Insurance: Your Rights Under State Law

Health insurance is regulated at the state level and as such there are certain very important state regulations that you should be aware of. These health insurance regulations vary from state to state. Do not make the mistake of assuming that the health insurance policy that you purchased in Pennsylvania will be governed under the […]

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Seniors Pay High Price for Gap in Benefits Coverage

Since the Medicare Part D drug benefit was unveiled, it has proven to be even more confusing and inefficient than its critics predicted. Even seniors who have been able to register for the program must still struggle with a $3,000 gap in benefits coverage and a hefty monthly premium. Already the government has had to […]

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What Is Supplemental Health Insurance?

Group health insurance rates have been increasing year after year and employers have been forced to make some drastic changes in their employee benefit programs. Many employers have changed their health insurance to high deductible plans. Dental Insurance has been discontinued by some companies as well as vision care. Disability programs have been trimmed down […]

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Auto insurance & the internet – a marriage made in Heaven!!

The internet is all about information, and, more critically, the ability to compare facts, data and information from several different sources quickly and efficiently. Arguably, as a direct result of this simple fact, nobody has felt the effects of a potential customers ability to find, check and compare such data than companies trying to sell […]

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Individual Health Insurance Company – Why Should I Look For One?

Even though many people choose whether or not to take a job, as well as keep a job, based on benefits such as a great health insurance package, not all employers offer health insurance packages. And, they are not required to. If you work for an employer such as a small-business owner, chances are you […]

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How To Get Low Cost Home Owners Insurance

Protecting ones home from man made and natural disasters is the primary reason for getting homeowners insurance. For most people this only makes sense because their home is their most important investment. For many people getting low cost home owners insurance is just as important as making sure that their home has the proper coverage. […]

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Looking At Different Types Of Auto Insurance

Auto insurance is at its heart financial protection. You purchase insurance in order to prevent paying thousands of dollars in the event of a collision or other loss. Many different types of insurance are available, covering almost every conceivable means of loss or damage to your vehicle as well as others to which you may […]

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