How The Health Insurance Industry Fights the High Costs of Medical Care

For many families, finding affordable health insurance is a task akin to the search for the Holy Grail. Depending on where in the country you live, a family health insurance plan can cost as much as $800-$1000 per month. Even when you split that cost between employee and employer, that’s a major chunk of nearly […]

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Home Owners Insurance – Learn More And Save Money

The family insurance portfolio usually always includes some form of property insurance. The homeowner policy has been around a long time and is purchased every time a family purchases a new home. Homeowners insurance is very comprehensive coverage but is very often misunderstood. The typical homeowner always has some kind of maintenance problem. These kinds […]

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Life and health insurance in personal financial planning.

Life and health insurance have long been recognized as necessary and essential elements in an individual’s or a family financial program. In a modern society, a sense of family responsibility meant that life and health insurance would grow in importance. And still today life and health insurance continue to occupy an important role in the […]

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What Is Supplemental Health Insurance?

Group health insurance rates have been increasing year after year and employers have been forced to make some drastic changes in their employee benefit programs. Many employers have changed their health insurance to high deductible plans. Dental Insurance has been discontinued by some companies as well as vision care. Disability programs have been trimmed down […]

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Auto insurance & the internet – a marriage made in Heaven!!

The internet is all about information, and, more critically, the ability to compare facts, data and information from several different sources quickly and efficiently. Arguably, as a direct result of this simple fact, nobody has felt the effects of a potential customers ability to find, check and compare such data than companies trying to sell […]

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